According to the World Health Organization(WHO), 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. The neurodegenerative condition impacts a person's cognitive abilities, such as their memory and their problem-solving capabilities.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia, which is an umbrella term for numerous conditions related to the brain, including Alzheimer's, and approximately 200 other related variants, but the issue can be managed if detected early. These neurodegenerative disorders typically impact older people, with 40% of people over the age of 65 experiencing some degree of memory loss.

It is important to address dementia early on, as the earlier it is diagnosed the better the condition can be managed. According to experts, one potential telltale sign of dementia-induced memory loss is the layout of a person's home.

A person who has dementia may begin to place household items in places where they don't belong. For example, they may put a kettle in the freezer because their memory has been impaired to the point where they think that is where it belongs.

Other potential warning signs can be failing to grasp time and space or becoming lost in an area that the person previously knew very well. Some people may also forget how to do everyday tasks, such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth.

Dr Richard Restak, a dementia expert, said that losing the ability to do tasks that the person could do previously could be an indicator of apraxia. Apraxia is one of the "four impairments" he has identified in patients with Alzheimer's.

"A person with apraxia may be able to recognise and even name a toothbrush and toothpaste but may be unable to carry out the act (praxis) of squeezing the toothpaste onto the toothbrush," the expert said.

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