A French study suggests that eating breakfast and supper an hour earlier may reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. This research emphasizes the importance of meal timing for cardiovascular health, according to The Telegraph.

The study found that having breakfast at 8 am instead of 9 am decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 6%. Similarly, eating supper before 8 pm, as opposed to after 9 pm, was linked to a 28% lower risk of cerebrovascular disease, especially in women.

Additionally, a longer duration of night-time fasting was associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

The research involved data from over 103,000 French individuals, predominantly women, with an average age of 42, to examine the correlation between eating patterns and cardiovascular health.

These findings, published in Nature Communications, underscore the emerging field of chrononutrition, which explores the relationship between meal timing, metabolism, and the body's circadian rhythms.

Cardiovascular concerns

The context of this study lies in the growing global concern over cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death worldwide.

The rise in such diseases has been partly attributed to the modern Western lifestyle, including poor eating habits like late dinners or skipping breakfast. This research is part of a broader effort to understand how lifestyle factors, particularly diet and meal timing, can influence the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The global burden of disease study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation highlights the significant impact of diet on health, underlining the importance of ongoing research in this area.

Also, we recently wrote that new scientific data show how the balance of polyunsaturated fats in nutrition affects the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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