Rice, a beloved staple in countless cultures and cuisines worldwide, ranks among the top food choices for both lunch and dinner among users of Lose It! who lost 50 pounds or more. Its popularity is a testament to the adaptability of rice and how easily this affordable, gluten-free grain can be incorporated into meal prep strategies and all sorts of delicious recipes.

But are all kinds of rice nutritionally equal or is there one that’s a standout? And if you’re looking to lose weight, how much rice should you be eating? We asked dietitians to weigh in on this versatile food. 

Can Rice Help With Weight Loss?

Rice, being a carbohydrate-rich food, serves as a vital source of energy for the body. But how much rice you’re eating matters for weight loss. According to the MyPlate guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), grains like rice should take up about a quarter of your plate. A standard serving size of rice is typically considered to be ½ cup of cooked rice, which is approximately 100 to 130 calories per serving. However, a serving of rice at restaurants is quite commonly well above this portion. 

Amy Kimberlain, RDN, CDCES, a Miami-based spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that keeping portion size in mind is important when you’re on a diet, but so is the type of rice, or other grains, you’re choosing. She likes to see her clients opt for whole grains for at least half of their daily grain choices, a recommendation also backed by the USDA’s MyPlate method.

If you’re seeking whole-grain rice options, then brown rice, red rice, black rice, and wild rice are your best bets. Brown rice, for example, has more than three times the fiber of white rice, per the American Heart Association

The more whole grains you eat, the more fiber you get, which can be a good thing for a variety of reasons, including that fiber-rich foods help us feel full longer. In addition to being helpful for weight loss, fiber “plays a role in lowering your risk for developing heart disease, stroke, obesity, and even type 2 diabetes,” adds Kimberlain.

Which Diets Include Rice?

While some diets clearly outline whether rice should be included or excluded, others leave it open to interpretation. Here’s a breakdown of popular weight loss diets and their stance on rice.

Diets That Include Rice

  • The Mediterranean diet incorporates rice as well as other whole grains like barley, quinoa, and bulgur.
  • The plant-based diet often uses rice as a satisfying base to complement various plant-based ingredients, like a hearty stir-fry with tofu and vegetables on a bed of fluffy brown rice.
  • The balanced diet commonly recommends rice as a healthy grain choice. Perhaps one of the most popular weight-loss-plate examples is chicken, broccoli, and rice.
  • The heart healthy diet includes rice since it’s low in fat and sodium, with certain varieties offering fiber to further support heart health.

Diets That May Exclude Rice

  • The keto diet restricts rice because of its high carbohydrate content, which contradicts the diet’s low-carb requirements.
  • The paleo diet excludes grains — including rice — and legumes in favor of “ancestral” foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • The low-carb diet minimizes carbohydrate intake, leading individuals to limit or exclude rice altogether in favor of lower-carb alternatives.

Which Rice Is Healthiest to Eat?

“In general, rice is a nutrient powerhouse packed with over 15 essential vitamins and minerals, including folic acid and B vitamins,” says Jess DeGore, RD, CDCES, a nutrition consultant based in Pittsburgh. She votes for brown rice and wild rice when it comes to the “healthiest” choice because they provide the most fiber and essential nutrients compared to other varieties of rice.

For calorie-conscious individuals, wild rice stands out as the lowest-calorie option, followed by black rice and then basmati rice.

When comparing other popular varieties like jasmine rice and basmati rice, DeGore points out that jasmine rice typically carries a slightly higher glycemic index. However, this difference is minimal, and individual responses may vary based on factors like cooking methods. Despite this, individuals concerned with their blood sugar may respond better to basmati rice than jasmine rice.

White rice is known for being low in fiber, which may not make it the most nutrient-dense option on its own. However, Kimberlain makes a point to not dismiss white rice too quickly. According to her, it’s all about how your plate stacks up.

“When white rice is part of a meal that includes other nutritious foods like veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats, the differences between white rice and brown rice are minimal,” she says. This highlights the importance of considering your plate’s overall balance rather than focusing solely on individual ingredients.

What’s the Best Way to Meal-Prep Rice?

Batch-cooking grains, including rice, is a common practice in the weight loss space. Not only is it convenient for building a healthy meal, but the process of cooking and cooling rice also transforms it into a resistant starch, which is linked to improved digestive health and better glycemic response.

Once you’ve cooked rice, it’s crucial to let it cool entirely before stashing it away. But don't let it sit at room temperature for too long. According to the USDA’s food safety guidelines, allowing rice to cool down at room temperature for more than two hours can create a breeding ground for harmful bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Campylobacter, which could potentially make you sick. This rule isn’t exclusive to rice; it’s best practice for any food.

To store your meal-prepped rice, follow the guidelines from USA Rice: Keep cooked rice in the refrigerator for three to five days or in the freezer for up to six months. 

When reheating, you can prevent rice from becoming hard by adding 1 tablespoon of water for every ½ cup of cooked rice. Then, heat it up and fluff it with a fork for the perfect texture. This technique ensures your prepped rice stays fresh and tasty whenever you’re ready to enjoy it.

Is It Okay to Eat Rice Every Day?

It’s common to get into a groove with your weight-loss eating habits and eat the same foods over and over again. While this can make meal planning easier and reduce the mental load of weight loss, it’s beneficial to vary your grain choices to get a range of different nutrients. Make different kinds of rice, or mix things up in your kitchen by exploring other healthy, hearty grains.

When it comes to rice, there is some concern around arsenic, which is a naturally occurring element found in soil and water that tends to accumulate in rice more than in other grains due to its growing conditions. Chronic exposure to high levels of arsenic has been linked to serious health issues, including cancer and heart disease. While general consumption of rice is unlikely to cause harm, eating it every day could potentially expose you to higher levels than you’d like. If you’re worried or need more personalized advice, chatting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help set your mind at ease. 

The Bottom Line

“Rice can be part of a well-balanced diet,” says DeGore. Beyond its affordability, versatility, and nutritional benefits, rice has roots in tradition. “Rice is a common staple food in many countries, [and] many cultures celebrate rice as a culinary commodity,” DeGore adds.

Both nutrition experts agree that all varieties of rice can certainly be a part of a nutritionally balanced diet as well as one that supports weight loss goals — and a delicious asset in your kitchen. 

Veggie Fried Rice



225 Cal

Per serving

Ready in about 10 minutes and easily adaptable, this veggie fried rice is the perfect weeknight meal.

View full recipe

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