There are a number of things you can do to avoid being diagnosed with dementia later in life.

There are food items you can eat, things you can drink, and just small improvements you can make to your health that can make a big difference.

But there are also some personality traits that a recent study showed are linked to dementia.

A survey examined 44,531 people age 49 to 81. Of the group, 1,703 people developed dementia. Participants took part in personality assessments and underwent brain examinations after they died.

According to the Huffington Post, people had high levels of neuroticism and those with negative affect "had a higher risk of developing dementia over the long term."

Neuoticism is defined as a personality trait associated with emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, self-doubt, depression, and other negative feelings.

By the same token, those who had a more positive outlook on life and showed signs of enthusiasm towards every day tasks were less likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

While there were undeniably some interesting findings in the report, it's also important to note that 'no clear link' was not found between personality and evidence of underlying disease.

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