Learn why both are safe for newborns as long as you follow safe sleep guidelines.

Medically reviewed by Tyra Tennyson Francis, MDMedically reviewed by Tyra Tennyson Francis, MD

Are you expecting a baby and wondering if you should buy a bassinet or a crib? You want to make the best choice to protect your little one while ensuring that the crib or bassinet you choose will fit your budget and your lifestyle.

Here's what you should know about the differences between a bassinet and a crib and how you can help narrow down your decision.

What Is the Difference Between a Bassinet vs. a Crib

It may be helpful to understand the difference between a bassinet and a crib to make the best decision.


Most bassinets are more portable and take up less space than a crib. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPCS) has specific definitions for bassinets and cribs.

According to the CPCS, a bassinet is a small bed used for sleeping infants. It is supported by freestanding legs, a stationary frame, or a wheeled or rocking base. Sometimes bassinets can swing relative to a stationary base.

A bassinet may also include anything attachable to another surface, such as the small detachable newborn bassinets that can be attached to many modern playpens or play yards.

Some strollers may also have a newborn bassinet function or have a removable bassinet that can be detached for travel purposes. Those bassinets must also adhere to the safety regulations.

Pros Cons
You can keep the baby close to you. Your baby will grow out of it sooner.
Some babies sleep better in the smaller space. It's an added expense since you'll likely need to buy a crib as well.
Bassinets are often lighter and more portable. Some babies won't sleep as well in a confined space.


According to the CPCS's outlines, there are two different types of cribs: full-size cribs and non-full-size cribs.

The definition of a full-size crib, as outlined by the CPCS, is a sleeping accommodation for an infant that has interior dimensions of 28 ± 5/8 inches (71 ± 1.6 centimeters) in width x 52 3/8 ± 5/8 inches (133 ± 1.6 centimeters) in length.

A non-full-size crib, on the other hand, has the same function, purpose, and "look" of a crib but is smaller in size. The CPCS defines a non-full-size crib as being 55 inches (139.7 centimeters) or smaller than 49 3/4 inches (126.3 centimeters) or having an interior width dimension either greater than 30 5/8 inches (77.7 centimeters) or smaller than 25 3/8 inches (64.3 centimeters), or both.

To be considered a crib, but not full-size, the crib must also meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • It can fold or collapse without being taken apart, so it is smaller when not being used.
  • It does not have any mesh, nets, or screens like a playpen.
  • It has hard sides and legs that can be removed.
  • It is circular, hexagonal, or some other non-standard crib shape.

The only exception to the rule about crib dimensions is hospital cribs, which can be designed differently to meet hospital regulations and accommodate equipment.

Pros Cons
You can use a crib for close to three years. Cribs are generally one of the most expensive baby items.
A variety of styles and are available and may come with matching nursery furniture. A crib may be too big for your bedroom.
Your baby may sleep better with more room to stretch and move. Some babies don't sleep well in cribs because they are too large and open to feel comforting.

Related: How To Stop Co-Sleeping With Your Baby

Safety of Crib vs. Bassinet

Which is safer: A crib or a bassinet? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question.

There are safety considerations for all cribs and bassinets. When these rules are followed, both are safe options. There are extra guidelines to consider if you buy one second-hand.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents choose either a freestanding crib or a bassinet for their baby. The AAP advises against using a co-sleeper or any other type of sleeping device that attaches to the parent's bed.

The AAP also doesn't make a large distinction between a bassinet and a crib or a play yard. But no matter which parents choose, the AAP recommends that caregivers and parents follow all basic safe sleep recommendations for their baby.

AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations

  • There is absolutely nothing loose in the sleeping area, including bedding, stuffed animals, or the infant's clothing.
  • Always lay the baby down to sleep in their own crib or bassinet on their backs, never face-down or sideways.
  • Do not use sleep positioners or any other type of sleeping aide.
  • No bed-sharing or holding the baby sleeping in any other position, such as in a chair.
  • No crib bumpers.
  • Room-share with the baby until at least 6 months of age.

What the Research Says

What do the studies say about cribs versus bassinets? One study found that bassinets may pose a slightly higher risk than cribs due to the bassinet malfunctioning or the mechanics contributing to the death of an infant.

Another study in the Journal of Pediatrics analyzed the risk factors of 53 infants who passed away in bassinets from the years 1990 to 2004. The study found that the overwhelming majority of the deaths (85%) were attributed to anoxia, suffocation, or asphyxiation, while 9.4% of the deaths were a result of SIDS.

There were also a high number of unsafe sleep practices involved in the deaths of the infants, including:

  • 37% were placed face-down to sleep
  • 74% had soft bedding in the bassinet with them
  • 17% cited "specific mechanical problems" with the bassinet

However, the study did not conclude that bassinets should be banned or that parents should never use one again. It did recommend that parents always ensure that any bassinet they choose is functioning correctly and that they take extra care to ensure that they don't put anything, such as bedding, in it.

Related: How to Get Your Baby to Sleep in the Crib

Used Cribs and Bassinets

If possible, purchase new equipment, especially sleeping products such as cribs and bassinets for your baby. Buying new reduces the risk of the following:

  • That equipment could be outdated (not adhering to current safety recommendations)
  • That a product is defective from previous use
  • That the product was broken and improperly repaired

Used cribs, in particular, are a risky item to have in your home. Slats or bars in the crib could have been broken or come loose, posing a risk that your baby's head or body slips through.

Both cribs and bassinets may be broken in the process of disassembling, moving, or reassembling them. Even if they appear functioning at first glance, it may be difficult to tell they are not fully functional until it's too late.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises that you never use any baby crib or bassinet that is more than 10 years old or has been modified in any way.

However, if used equipment is the best option for your family, check for recalls and if the equipment adheres to the current safety regulations outlined by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. These safety standards account for different functions and features of bassinets and cradles, including:

  • Flammability
  • Height of the side to prevent the baby from falling out
  • Other material regulations, such as lead-based paints
  • Restrictions against accidental folding of the apparatus
  • Specific requirements against small parts, sharp edges, and points
  • Stability, keeping in mind the bassinet or crib's ability to tip over when a sibling wants to peek at the baby
  • The angle of any rocking and swinging function of the bassinet or cradle to ensure the baby does not become entangled. The federal limit is an angle of 10 degrees for the product to be classified as a bassinet.
  • The spacing of any rigid components, such as bars or slats, as well as anything covered in fabric
  • The weight-bearing load that the structure can hold
  • Thickness of the sleeping pad, which includes any gaps between the actual sleeping pad and the sides of the bassinet

For full-size cribs, safety standards also include the mattresses. The CPSC stipulates that any mattress used in a full-size crib must be at least 27.25 inches by 5.25 inches and can't be more than 6 inches thick.

Related: The Top 10 Sleep Mistakes Parents Make

How to Determine Which Is Best

If the AAP does not officially recommend either a crib or a bassinet as the safer choice, how do you choose which to use for your family? Several factors could go into your decision-making process, such as:

Your baby's size and development

Although a bassinet might be a more practical choice at first, there will be a weight limit on any bassinet that you choose for your newborn. Some bassinets, for instance, only have a 15- to 20-pound maximum weight limit. If your newborn is over 10 pounds, they will quickly outgrow a bassinet.

The other consideration is that even if your newborn is under the weight limit for the bassinet, your baby may still outgrow the bassinet in terms of their development.

If your baby is able to roll over, is beginning to scoot with their legs, or is otherwise mobile, a bassinet may not be a safe choice because it is smaller and could pose more of an entrapment or suffocation risk.

On the other hand, if you have a small or premature baby, a crib might feel too large for both of you to start. Some babies like feeling a little cozier in a smaller space, like a bassinet.


Because most bassinets will not last longer than a few months for your baby, chances are that you will still need to purchase a crib. So, consider your budget as well when making a decision.

Can you afford to purchase both a bassinet and a crib? Or would it make more economic sense to purchase the crib only and stick with it?


You might want to consider what space you have available for your baby. Traditionally, cribs are larger than bassinets, so a bassinet may be more appropriate for a smaller living and sleeping area.

If you are planning to have your baby sleep in your room at first, a bassinet might fit better than a crib. However, not all cribs are large, and some are specifically designed for small spaces.

Related: How to Buy the Perfect Bassinet for a Newborn Baby

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